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Year 12 MUN

Year 12 MUN


Article Date: 15 March 2022

Article Date: 15 March 2022
Today, our Year 12 students took part in a Model United Nations Conference as part of the Personal Development Time.

Students represented twelve countries from the United Nations and proposed resolutions to problems relating to Human Rights, the Environment, Education and the Economy in their country.

Each tutor group was assigned two countries in January; they have used their PDT time to research the issues faced by those countries and how these problems might be overcome. They put together power point presentations to inform the other delegates of these issues and try to persuade them to vote to give their country the support needed. As delegates for their country, the students then discussed the proposed resolution and then voted whether to pass or deny each resolution.

Amongst the presentations, we heard a plea from the Economic committee of Argentina to help them develop their wine industry (denied); the Human Rights committee of Turkey to get help to deal with domestic violence (passed) and the Environmental committee of Brazil with an interesting proposition to help reduce the need for deforestation (passed).

Participating in an MUN event is an experience valued by universities and many employers so enables our students to  develop skills and competencies which will help them make their next steps after sixth form.

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