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UNICEF Day for Change
UNICEF Day for Change


Article Date: 21 September 2005

Article Date: 21 September 2005

Notley will once again be taking part in this national event, which raises millions of pounds each year to improve the lives of children in the Developing World. 

The countries chosen as the focus for this year's event are Ethiopia and Tajikistan, with the emphasis on Food & Nutrition. It is hoped that funds raised will be able to ensure that children in these very poor countries have a healthy and nutritious diet to give them the best start in life.

Friday 4th February will therefore be a non-uniform day, and all students will be required to pay £1 to their tutor on that morning for the privilege of coming to school in casual clothes. If they wish to make a larger donation to this worthy cause, we would be very happy to accept it. Can we take this opportunity to remind students and parents that it is a non-UNIFORM day and NOT a non-RULES day. We do discourage the wearing of caps, hats and dangly jewellery for health and safety reasons, and appreciate your support in this.

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