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Ski Trip a Great Success!
Ski Trip a Great Success!


Article Date: 20 February 2007

Article Date: 20 February 2007

Over half-term, 37 of our year 10 11 students, together with 8 members of staff, made the 800 mile trek across Europe to Flachau in Austria for the annual senior school ski trip. 

Everyone had a fantastic week skiing, (despite a couple of days where visibility was about 20 feet!) and thoroughly enjoyed the evening activities, including the disco and 10 pin bowling*.

You can check out the photos on our dedicated skiing website and there will be more uploaded over the next few days. Also, if you went on the trip and have any photos of your own that you would like to share, either email them to [email protected] or bring them to Mr Rowe in the medialab (opposite G24)

*Mr Cunningham would like to point out that over the two staff bowling games he had the highest average and therefore won overall. Despite that fact that he was beaten by a member of the ICT department in the first game. Just to make that clear...

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