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  • Thursday 8th February 2007 - School Closure

    Thursday 8th February 2007 - School Closure

Article Date: 08 February 2007

Article Date: 08 February 2007

The school is was officially closed on Thursday 8th February due to our one day of snow so far this year. Friday 9th is a non-pupil day so students should return to school as normal on Monday 19th Feb - have a nice extended half-term break!


Update 07:20 - Friday
The Staff Training Day today (Friday 9th Feb) is definitely going ahead as planned, and the Ski Trip interary is unchanged.

Update: 17:15 - Updated Information for staff
I have consulted with my senior colleagues and we have decided that the Staff Training Day on Friday 9 (tomorrow) will go ahead as planned. I will monitor the reports of weather and driving conditions and inform staff as early as possible tomorrow morning through the usual phone chain if it becomes necessary to cancel the day.

Simon Thompson - Headteacher

Update: 11:20 - Information for staff
Please note that the staff meal arranged for tonight at Prezzo has been cancelled. The full governors meeting scheduled for this evening has also been cancelled.

I will be consulting with senior colleagues and deciding whether the Staff Training Day runs later today, having assessed the likely weather and driving conditions. We will phone staff through the usual phone chain this evening to let you know our decision.

Simon Thompson - Headteacher

Update: 09:20 - BBC Essex Radio
We apologise for the fact that the school closure was not announced on BBC Essex Radio. The decision to close the school was communicated to BBC Essex at 7.15am and they put a message on their website by 7.30am. We also posted a message on our own website by 7.30am. However, Notley High School was not read out in the list of school closures on air, despite several requests for them to do so. We regret any inconvenience this caused to those relying on the radio for information.

Simon Thompson - Headteacher

Update: 8:30am - Ski Trip
At present there are no changes to the itinerary for the Ski Trip leaving tomorrow (see although please check the website regularly for any alterations. 

We will continue to update the website with any further information as it becomes available.

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