Article Date: 06 July 2011
Article Date: 06 July 2011
Official Photography is now available to purchase through the dedicated prom website ( All orders must be received by the 22nd of July to enable us to get everything printed in time for results day.
July 4th may well have been Independence Day in America but here at Notley it was the far more important Year 11 Prom!Our students arrived from 6pm in every mode of transport under the sun - limos, tractors, bikes and fire engines to name but a few. Even Doctor Who and Amy Pond materialised from Metabelis Three in the Tardis to help the occasion.
Our trusty team of geeks are currently ploughing through the 3000+ photos that were taken on the night and getting them ready for our all new Prom Website ( and for inclusion in the yearbook. In the meantime, we have put together a quick web gallery just to give you a taste of what's to come. Click here to see the gallery.
You can also see the arrival video on our mediaserver by clicking here. The video doesn't have any sound yet as it is still in its raw state. It will be edited for the final discs that all the prom attendees will get on results day, together with all the master shots from the prom.
Thanks to everyone for such a great night and to the students on the media crew who took pictures and mixed the video: Greg Bennett, Charlotte Cass and Louise Rowe