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Paired Reading
Paired Reading


Article Date: 17 November 2005

Article Date: 17 November 2005

Paired Reading has got off to an excellent start this year, with 70 of our Year11 students working with 70 Year7s. Together they choose a book and share the reading of it.

We are fortunate this year to have some really expert Year 11s who have taken part in previous rounds of Little Dudes when they were in Years 9 and 10. Also very pleasing is to see the pride taken by those Year 11s who were on the scheme themselves when they were younger, in now being the ‘big one’.

Fridays see two more of our Year 7 reading schemes in operation: Little Dudes, for those who need more support, and the Extended Reading Group for a small group of keen readers who meet with the community librarian, Miss Barratt. Year 8 able readers meet on Tuesdays with Mr Fincken. They are about to tackle ”The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time”. Our aim is to extend their range, offering them further challenges.

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