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Free OS Maps for Year 7
Free OS Maps for Year 7


Article Date: 21 September 2005

Article Date: 21 September 2005

By this half term your child will be given a free 1:25 000 scale Explorer Ordnance Survey map by their school. These maps are being issued to year 7/primary 7 pupils to help them to develop their map-reading skills. 

The map belongs to your child and it is theirs to keep.

Teachers will sometimes ask pupils to bring their maps into school. They will be used in geography lessons, where learning how to use a map is part of the national curriculum, but they may also be used in history, environmental science, citizenship and in other subjects too. Most schools will have chosen a map covering an area local to the school, or of somewhere that they visit regularly with pupils. Many children will be lucky enough to have both their home and school shown on the map.

We hope that your child will enjoy using their new map, both at home and at school. To help them learn how to use it, they have also been given a leaflet called Map reading made easy peasy lemon squeezy, which has been written especially for children. You can also help your child by asking them to show you places on their map and encouraging them to use it when they are out.

Thank you in advance for helping your child enjoy learning with the free map and I hope you find this has been a useful additional resource for them.

Yours faithfully

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