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Uniform Reminder
Uniform Reminder


Dear parent / carer

We continue to thank you as we focus on ensuring that our wearing of uniform enables students to focus on Dress Smart, Books Smart, Learn Smart.

We have had very positive comments from members across our  community on the improvement in dress from our students. 

This is a reminder of the expectations about nails and eyelashes previously shared in Mr Barrow's Headteacher's bulletin. The uniform policy explains: 'Students are not permitted to wear make-up in Years 7, 8 and 9. Discreet make-up is permitted in Years 10 and 11. Nail varnish or false nails are not allowed.'

We recognise that a number of students have false nails and/or varnish currently, as well as a number who have false eyelashes. These are not permitted under the policy.

If your child is wearing false eyelashes or nails, or has coloured varnished nails, from 24 February they will be required to work in isolation until the false nails/false eyelashes/coloured varnish is removed.

With many thanks for your continued support.

Best wishes

Mrs M Townsend
Deputy Headteacher

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