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6 November 2024
Dear Parents and Carers
This letter is to let you know of some changes which are being introduced in school, which are all linked to our Behaviour and Expectations Policy. This follows our staff training day on 4 November.
The main change in our approach has been a shift from a consequences-based system (the C-system) to the concept of Positive Actions for Learning (PAL). This is to ensure that students are enabled to take greater responsibility for their learning.
The system focuses dealing more explicitly with low level disruption in classrooms and allowing teachers to teach through a staged approach. This is intended to ensure that all students have at least a good experience of learning in classrooms and that all students are supported in addressing any issues with learning behaviours. A PAL 2 will require a student to move seats and a PAL 3 will require them to work in another classroom - a detention will be issued following any PAL3.
If you are contacted at any point about your child's behaviour, the term PAL will replace C from this point forward - this will refer to the Positive Action for Learning that your child has been asked to take, from a warning, to being moved to a different seat, moved to a different class or the involvement of senior staff. The latter will involve a more serious sanction.
We welcome your support as we introduce the new system and terminology and its focus on the students' ownership of behaviours. The new system was outlined to students in assemblies yesterday and included an emphasis on behaviour in corridors.
Yours sincerely
Mrs M Townsend
Deputy Headteacher (Curriculum) - Designated Safeguarding Lead
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