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Enhancing Safety in Our School
Enhancing Safety in Our School

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12 November 2024

Dear parent/carer,

Re: Enhancing safety in our school

At Notley High School, we take safeguarding and the safety of your child very seriously.

It's important that we put procedures in place and plan even for those events that are very unlikely to occur. As part of this, we have introduced a new safety procedure called "security lockdown".

I'm writing to let you know that we'll be practising this procedure on Tuesday 19th November 2024.

What is a security lockdown and when would it happen?

A security lockdown procedure is a standard health and safety procedure, similar to a fire drill.

Our security lockdown procedure would be used when there is a threat to the safety of our pupils, staff and others in the school, and when it's safer for everyone to remain in school rather than evacuate. The aim is to keep people safe by confining them to a secure place of safety.

Situations where our security lockdown procedure may be used include:

  • A potentially dangerous person or animal on the school site
  • A disturbance or dangerous situation in the local community that could affect the school
  • A nearby chemical incident or other risk of air pollution
  • Extreme weather.
  • An incident related to terrorism.

What is our school's security lockdown procedure?

  • Students will be alerted to a lockdown by the lockdown This is a continual alarm as well as a message that will appear on every computer screen across the school.
  • If students are already in a lesson/tutor period, they remain in the room.
  • If students are between lessons or it is break-time/lunchtime, students move directly to their next lesson.
  • The class teacher will register the students to ensure they are all accounted for.
  • Classroom doors will be locked from the inside and students moved away from windows and doors
  • Blinds to exterior windows will be drawn
  • Students will be encouraged to keep silent and remain calm
  • The emergency services will be called

Instructions for parents/carers in the event of a security lockdown

  • Parents will be informed if the school goes into a lockdown by text message and notification on the school website
  • Parents should not attempt to call or come into school, as this may hinder the school's effort to contact and work with the emergency services.
  • Parents should not discuss the event on social media, as this may spread false information and create panic
  • Students will not have access to mobile 'phones during a lockdown, so parents should not be alarmed if your child does not answer their 'phone.

About our upcoming security lockdown drill

Prior to practising this procedure with students, staff will take time to talk to pupils about security lockdown procedures and explain why they're important. They'll reassure students after the drill that they are safe, and will emphasise that practising procedures like this will make sure that the school remains a safe place to learn.

I must emphasise again that this is simply a drill, so that in the very unlikely event of such a situation in the future, our students and staff are fully prepared and can stay safe.

If you or your child have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs M Townsend, Designated Safeguarding Lead: [email protected] 

Yours sincerely

Mr Barrow

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