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7 January 2025
Dear Parent / Carers
Parent/Carer Council
In addition to the weekly drop-ins and coffee with the Headteacher, I would like to establish a Parent/Carer Council to help the school work with and engage representatives of the parenUcarer body. I am proposing that each year group has 4 parent representatives, resulting in 24 parents in total on our Parent/Carer Council. Meetings would be run on a termly basis and would be attended by myself and the Deputy Headteachers.What is the Parent/Carer Council?
The aims of the Parent/Carer Council are to:- Work together to improve the education provided for our children;
- Encourage more parents and carers to get involved in school life;
- Strengthen our links with the community- share information, knowledge and skills;
- Parents/Carers can raise issues;
- Further improve communications between parents/carers and staff/governors;
- Consulted on school policy;
- Providing 2-way feedback between parenUcarers and school
How often will the Parent/Carer Forum meet?
Every term for about an hour.What will be discussed at the meetings?
Anything related to improving the school and further developing the partnership between the school and parents/carers. The meetings will be informal and are on opportunity for an open discussion.
If you would be interested in becoming a parent/carer representative, and initially for the remainder of this academic year, please would you contact to confirm your interest and / or to ask any further questions you might have before deciding.
Thank you in advance for considering this and for your ongoing support.
Yours sincerley
Mr Barrow
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