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Headteacher Letter 23 July 2024
Headteacher Letter 23 July 2024

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23 July 2024

Dear Parent/Carers

It has been a pleasure to attend the year group celebration assemblies today and to see first-hand the number of certificates and awards that have been given out. There were lots of smiling and happy faces and lots of proud colleagues as the prizes were awarded – congratulations to all. This term’s Notley News also captures successes in other aspects of school life and is well worth a read. It can be found her Notley News Issue 008 - Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form. Thank you to everyone involved in pulling this edition together, including our very talented media team and Ms Gladen (Assistant Headteacher).

As promised, this letter summarises some of the changes that we are making for next academic year. Your feedback has helped to shape our thinking and the table below is a high-level summary. More detail will be shared at the start of the academic year and a reminder that term dates can be found here: Term Dates - Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form.

You said...

...We are doing

The canteen space is too small and is overcrowded.

  • There will be a separate canteen for Year 7 from September.
  • This means that the main canteen will be for Years 8- 11 only.
  • Year 12 and 13 students have Café 6 in the Sixth Form Centre.

There is not enough homework being set.

  • In Years 7, 8 and 9, homework will be set once a week in English, Geography, History, Languages, Maths and Science only. In Years 7 and 8, the expected amount of time for each subject is 30 minutes. Homework will focus mainly upon consolidation, recall and revision as well as practising key skills. In Year 9, the expected amount of time for each subject is 40 minutes.
  • In Years 10 and 11, homework will be set once a week across all subjects and the expected amount of time for each subject is 45 minutes (minimum). For Year 11 students, the amount of time needed will increase as mock examinations and then final examinations take place.
  • In the Sixth Form, homework is set regularly by all teachers.

How do we know what extra- curricular clubs our children can sign up for?

Is Duke of Edinburgh still running?

  • Miss S Francis is our new Duke of Edinburgh Co- Ordinator.
  • Provisional expedition dates are as follows: 15th February (practice) and 11th April – 2 days one night (final).

How do I know which trips and visits are running?

  • There will be annual rewards trips for Years 7-10. Students will have the opportunity to gain points and to meet the success criteria throughout the year.
    • Year 7: Chessington
    • Year 8: Chessington
    • Year 9: Thorpe Park
    • Year 10: Thorpe Park
  • In addition to our well-established trips such as Y10 History to Poland, we are also introducing curriculum based trips in Years 7, 8 and 9. These include:
    • Year 7: Colchester Zoo, A London Museum
    • Year 8: Theatre Trip, Coastal fieldwork
    • Year 9: Bletchley Park, IW Museum

I am concerned that my child(ren) is not making enough progress in Science.

  • Our new curriculum is complete and fully resourced. Colleagues have undertaken intensive training in preparation for September; and students will have the opportunity to take part in more practicals during lessons.
  • For Year 11 students, we have written a plan of targeted interventions that will run throughout the year. This is in addition to the form time interventions that will begin from day 1 in September across English, Maths and Science. These interventions will take place during the school day.
  • For Year 13 students, Schemes of Learning have been reviewed and adjusted.

Behaviour for learning in some lessons/subjects is below what we expect.

  • There are planned changes to the Behaviour and Rewards systems from September.
  • Currently Year 7-11 students are given four opportunities (warnings/behaviour prompts) to make changes to their behaviour before being removed from the lesson. This is too many.
  • From September there will be two opportunities for students to take a positive action to change their behaviour before being removed and a detention issued.
  • Alongside this, there will be more opportunities for students to receive positive reward points.

How do I know which toilets my child(ren) can use?

  • During all social times, toilets will be zoned and supervised by staff:
    • Year 7 & 8: English block
    • Year 9: Art
    • Year 10: Science
    • Year 11: Humanities
  • Toilet cubicles will be gender specific.

Finally, you will notice a whole school focus on uniform and Sixth Form dress code from September. Our policy can be read here: Uniform Policy - Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form and the Sixth Form dress code here Student Dress Code - Braintree Sixth Form. Whilst many students wear their uniform with pride, this is not the case for all students. For all students to be able to learn in a disruption-free zone, we will constantly and consistently ‘sweat the detail’ and uniform, along with positive behaviour for learning, is one aspect of that – thank you in advance for your support with this.

I will write to you again just before the start of the new academic year with further information.

Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable Summer and a successful ‘A’ level and ‘GCSE’ Results Days.
Kindest regards

Mr M Barrow

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