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Headteacher's Bulletin - 8 November 2024

Headteacher's Bulletin - 8 November 2024

I hope you had a good, healthy and safe half term. It has been very good to welcome students back to school this week. We began Tuesday with additional assemblies to confirm the changes to the behaviour system and to routines in corridors. In response to feedback from the student survey, there is a new one-way system through English and students are asked to walk on the left hand-side of every corridor.This week’s fixtures have included Year 11 football and the first Year 7 netball match of this academic year – well done to both teams. The School Council has also met and has explored further ways to promote equality and to challenge racism; and we welcomed Year 11 students to the Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday. Ahead of next week’s mock examinations, Year 11 students have had intensive ‘walking, talking, mocks’ in the Theatre with Miss Gladen and groups of students have also had additional ‘walking, talking, mocks’ in maths with Mrs Forster.

“The Poppy Appeal” also began on Tuesday.

Thank you very much to our Sixth Form Prefects for organising this and the displays around the school. Key Stage 3 students have also been writing poems which will be displayed around the school next week. Mrs Townsend will be leading next week’s remembrance assemblies and we respectfully encourage everyone in the school community to choose to wear a poppy. For the poppy is an equal, diverse and inclusive symbol of hope, remembrance, service, suffering and thoughtfulness.

Wearing a poppy to remember those who have suffered and served, and those who continue to suffer and serve, is just a very small but very poignant, significant and symbolic act from us to remember those who gave, and give, absolutely everything in so many areas of life.

A focus of “The Poppy Appeal” nationally this year is the mental health of those who have served and suffered. At this colder time of year, the poppy brings much cultural and moral warmth. A special mention to Deniz who brought in poppies for each member of his form to wear.

I would also like to recognise the achievements of Josh in Year 11. Following a very successful national and then British championships over the summer, he has been awarded a place on the Swim England National youth talent pathway, for sprinters. This means that he will be competing in six events across the upcoming Winter competitions.

Daily notices to students this week are shown below.

Finally, attached to this bulletin is the November On-line Safety newsletter for parent/carers.

Have a very good weekend when it comes.

Mr M Barrow, Headteacher
