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Headteacher's Bulletin - 6 December 2024
Headteacher's Bulletin - 6 December 2024

Even though the end of term will soon be upon us, we are still very much in ‘full swing’. Year 11 GCSE PE students have taken part in rock climbing and yesterday we ran our Year 10 and 12 mock careers interviews with local business people and governors and our students were simply excellent. They each spoke with confidence, looked smart, and overcame any nerves they may have been feeling. Thank you to Mrs Robb for organising this. I am also pleased to share that following our participation in the Bebras National Computing Challenge, 140 of our students achieved the ‘Gold’ certificate. Well done to everyone involved, including Mr Lee. We have also had confirmation that Paolo and Frankie are Southeast Springboard Future Chef regional finalists. This is a fantastic achievement and I’m grateful to Mrs White for facilitating this. I will update you on their progress in a future bulletin. If you would like to share your child(ren)’s success(es) with us, please email: [email protected].

I am also pleased to confirm that building work on our brand new 3G Astro Pitch begins in the New Year. As you will see from the images below, this is a fantastic new facility that our students will be able to use during their PE lessons. It will also be open to the community out of school hours. The Pitch will be built on the playing fields that sit to the right of our Science block and we anticipate the works being completed by the end of the Spring Term.

3G Pitch3G Pitch

Uniform and punctuality

There has been an improvement in punctuality to lessons. Detentions are continuing for students who make poor choices during the day when it comes to their uniform. Our daily uniform checks confirm that students start the day with correct uniform and with the skirts the correct length. Where this changes during the day, students are making a choice not to meet expectations and are therefore placed in detention.

Finally a reminder that:

Have a very good weekend when it comes.

Mr M Barrow, Headteacher

School Photo Packs

All the school photo packs have now been produced and were made available to your child’s tutor for distribution on Wednesday 4 December. If you have not received yours by Friday 6 December, please do contact your child’s tutor in the first instance.

The masters by email were sent out during the morning of Wednesday 4 December. If you appear not to have received yours, please check your junk mail/spam filter as it may have been flagged incorrectly by your email client. If it still appears not to have been received, or if there are any issues with it, please contact our Media Support Team on [email protected] and they will investigate the issue as soon as possible.

We continue to see an increase in the number of Heart points being awarded. Well done to Year 10 for a significant increase in points awarded this week!


Year 7


Year 8


Year 9


Year 10


Year 11
