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Year 10 students visit the University of Cambridge
Year 10 students visit the University of Cambridge


Article Date: 31 January 2012

Article Date: 31 January 2012

On Friday 27th January, 10 fortunate Year 10 students were given the opportunity to visit the University of Cambridge.

The aim of the trip was to give the students an understanding of university and student life.  At Emmanuel College students took part in many talks and activities to give them a wide understanding of what university life would be like for them.  This included lectures on Medical Ethics and Astronomy and there was also an individual and school challenge which had lots of general knowledge questions as well as questions about student life.  

Notley came 3rd out of the 8 schools in this challenge and the students were very proud of their result!  It was a very good day – thank you to Mrs Robb for organising the visit, and to Mr Newman and Mrs Wallace for accompanying us on the trip which was thoroughly enjoyable for all. 

Written by Chris Dickens, Year 10

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