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The French students from the College Pablo Picasso are here
The French students from the College Pablo Picasso are here


Article Date: 19 March 2012

Article Date: 19 March 2012

All 21 students have arrived and are attending lessons with their penfriends. Please make them feel welcome and practise your French with them. 

They will be visiting London, Colchester and Cambridge this week. They have already spent a weekend in their English families and everyone is getting on very well and really enjoying each other’s company.

We have had a link with the French school since 2008 and the organisation for the trip next year is already underway. We will be releasing the dates for the next French exchange very soon. We have already had a lot of interest for the 2012-2013 trip. Please check the next newsletter for dates or alternatively talk to Mrs Harris/Miss Cobb or any member of the Modern Foreign Language faculty.

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