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MFL Spelling Bee Competition

MFL Spelling Bee Competition


Article Date: 08 July 2014

Article Date: 08 July 2014
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Spelling Bee Competition. This is a very competitive national competition. Students in Year 7 were first selected through an internal round held in the library earlier this year.Modern Foreign Languages staff and sixth form students judged students who had been selected by their teachers from a previous class competition.  It was amazing to see the speed at which these students could spell a word in French and Spanish and with such accuracy with accents.  After these rounds, the school was represented at the first national round by Abby Bathurst and Jacob Riley who went through to the national final round at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge on Friday 4 July.   

It was the first time in the 4 years since the competition has existed that we had managed to get through to the national final round. 

We are delighted to announce that Jacob Riley 7Y won second place in the national final of the MFL Spelling Bee Competition in Spanish.  Very many congratulations to both Jacob and also to Abby for getting this far and to the Modern Foreign Languages Faculty for their support.  Particular thanks go to Miss Rabhi for the hours spent practising with the students.

We are now all looking forward to the MFL Spelling Bee 2015!

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