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  • Non Uniform Day - Friday 06 July

    Non Uniform Day - Friday 06 July

Article Date: 02 July 2012

Article Date: 02 July 2012

This Friday we will be holding a non uniform day to raise funds for Little Havens Children's Hospice which is based in Thundersley, Essex.

Little Havens Children's Hospice provides care and respite breaks for children with life limiting illnesses and their families.  It is the only provider for such care in Essex.

All students and staff will be asked to make a £1 donation on Friday which will be collected by tutors during registration.  There will also be events happening in and around the library at break and lunch time on Friday so make sure you bring some spare change!

For more information on Little Havens Children's Hospice please visit their website

Miss Bonny

Charities Co-ordinator

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