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June 2014 Jack Petchey Winner

June 2014 Jack Petchey Winner


Article Date: 30 June 2014

Article Date: 30 June 2014
Our winner of the Jack Petchey award for June is Kalei Milligan.She was nominated by her English teacher for her fabulous novel that she has been writing. It is called ‘Intelligence, Brains and a Thirst for Blood’ and it has been published online. She has written 24 chapters so far but she hasn’t finished it yet. Mrs Stringer says “I definitely think she should win a Jack Petchey award; her written ability is like nothing I have seen before from someone of her age.” The student panel were also very impressed with such an achievement by someone of her age.

Kalei has donated her money to the library to buy some more fiction books – she will liaise with them to choose books she likes.

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