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GCSE Exam Results 2005
GCSE Exam Results 2005


Article Date: 25 August 2005

Article Date: 25 August 2005

Students and staff at Notley High School in Braintree were celebrating GCSE results this morning. 

63% of students achieved 5 or more higher grade GCSE passes and the overall higher grade GCSE pass rate was 65%. Simon Thompson, Notley High’s Headteacher, commented that he was very pleased that for the third successive year both these indicators of examination success were over 60%. He also praised the hard work and motivation of the students and the commitment and dedication of the staff which had contributed to these results.

A number of individual students achieved excellent results. Laura McKoy, Megan Tinslay and Ruth Birch gained 12 GCSEs each, all graded A* or A. James Hodges gained 12 GCSEs, 10 of which were graded A* or A whilst Daniel Mingay passed 14 GCSEs, 12 of which were graded A* or A. Charlotte Fisk also gained 14 GCSEs, 13 of which were A grades.

Mr Thompson went on to say that the school had worked hard over several years with staff, students and their parents to raise academic standards and these results are further confirmation of Notley’s academic success.

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