Dear Parents and Carers
As you may be aware, Mrs Holdaway will be commencing her maternity leave at the start of the Summer Term. To support a smooth transition Mr Wilcox, an Assistant Headteacher already in school, will become the RSL for Year 8. Mr Wilcox is a highly experienced pastoral leader who is already known to many Year 8 students. He will take over from Monday 24th February. His email address is:
Mr Wilcox has been in regular communication with Mrs Holdaway regarding the year group and Mrs Holdaway will be with us for the second half of the Spring Term and will therefore be able to provide Mr Wilcox with on-going information about the year group and support for individual students.
Whilst Mrs Holdaway isn’t leaving us quite yet, I would like to take this opportunity to share my share my appreciation for the hard work that Mrs Holdaway has given to Year 8. I know you will support me in wishing her and her new family well.
Yours sincerely
Mark Barrow