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Year 11 Mock Examinations
Year 11 Mock Examinations

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4 December 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

Further to the most recent mock examinations, I write with an update for the remainder of the year ahead. Thank you for your on-going support.

November mock examination results

Departments finished their moderation of all Year 11 mock examination papers yesterday and students will receive a summary of their mock results during an additional period 5 assembly on Wednesday 18th December. In the interim, students will continue to be given back their papers with raw scores and percentages on them so that the process of improving questions and identifying topics that need to be revisited can begin.

The second and final set of mock examinations will run w/c 10th February 2025. You will receive written reports from us on:

  • 18th December 2024: confirming mock results (we refer to these as 'working at grades').
  • 26th March


I will be reviewing next term's programme of interventions with Mr Clarke (Deputy Headteacher), Mrs Howells (Deputy Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form) and Mr Fletcher (RSL for Year) on Friday 13th December. Following this, we will write to you with an update on which tutor group your child(ren) will be in from January and up to the final set of mock examinations in February. A reminder that English, Maths and Science interventions run during morning tutor time from 8.40am.

The next wave of period 6 sessions start again from Monday 13th December 2024 and Mrs Howells will write to you to confirm the detail.

In addition to this, extra support for Maths and Science will include:

  • In February: Target Grade 7 intervention for Science with PETXI
  • In February: Target Grade 4 intervention for Maths with PETXI
  • In February: Target Grade 4 intervention for Maths with PETXI

During February half term there will also be an 'Impress the Examiner' workshop for Science. 'Impress The Examiner' workshops will be repeated during the Easter holiday for both Higher and Foundation Tier Maths and Science as well as in English (where there is no tier of entry). I will of course write to you, before each break, with full details of the subject sessions available. These sessions will provide opportunities for students to enhance their knowledge and understanding of key content and exam skills, furthering their progress.

A reminder that the current programme of additional Period 6 sessions includes English and Maths (grade 5+).

Study skills and tutoring

Through POT lessons, all Year 11 students take part in study skills sessions designed to boost student motivation, focus on aspirations, and provide additional support and guidance to aid successful studying and ownership of learning. One-to-one Tutoring in Maths takes place on a Thursday with specific students in order to provide students with additional bespoke support, which has been identified and requested by their subject teachers. After Christmas there will be additional one-to­ one tutoring in English, and we will write to the parent/carers of the identified students to advise them of this.

In addition, Mrs Ketley is organising additional revision workshops for specific students linked to EHCP/One-Plans. We have also created an additional tutor group who work with Mrs Biggs every morning.

Behaviour and Attendance

I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate the importance of exceptionally high standards of both behaviour and attendance in Year 11 as we approach the final countdown to the summer examinations. Excellent levels of attendance and punctuality to school and lessons are key factors in ensuring your child is able to maximise their learning and progress. This is already the case for many students in Year 11 but not all. I would therefore be grateful if you would reinforce this and support your child in order to ensure they are attending school on time, to really maximise their learning time as well as the additional English, Maths and Science interventions that run from 8.40am.

Sixth Form Applications

The Sixth Form application form is available now by clicking on this link: To enrol into the Sixth Form all students must achieve a minimum of 5 GCSEs grade 5-9, or equivalent, and at least a grade 4 in English and Maths. The entry requirement to each course can be found by looking at each individual subject from this page: At this point, we do not require you to submit predicted grades as subject choices are confirmed once actual results are known.

Students should ensure that their application is received by the sixth form by 31st January 2025. If students would like to talk to a member of the sixth form staff about any of the courses, please can they contact Mrs Howells ([email protected]) to arrange a meeting time.

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