Dear parents,
Based on feedback we received from you regarding year 10 reports, we felt it would be helpful to share answers to some frequently asked questions.
Why are reports published so close to parents evening?On this occasion, the reports were published late due to unforeseen circumstances. We will be working hard to correct this for the future, and we apologise for this delay.
What is the definition of “Year Target”?For year 10 students, “year target” actually means end of year 11 (end of key stage) target. We agree this is confusing, as for all other year groups the year target is specifically the target for that year of study. As such, we plan to work on this for future reporting cycles to improve the wording and avoid further confusion.
Why is my child already achieving their year target now, and not predicted to make any progress by end of year 11?Some subjects are taught or assessed in a more modular way than others. For example, in vocational (BTEC) subjects, students may have completed a whole unit of coursework in year 10 and achieved a grade (e.g. Distinction) for that piece of work. However, there are likely to still be further units of study to complete, that have not yet been taught or assessed. In this case, we would expect that student to continue to achieve “Distinction” throughout the remainder of the course of study. This may look as though no progress is being made but, in fact, is indicating that the student is predicted to continue to work at this level when they are studying new content. Please do ask the class teacher if this is the case in any subject where you have concerns.
How are the “year targets” generated?For year 10 students, these were generated from baseline tests (CATS) that were carried out at the start of year 7. These are generally fixed, as they are an approximation of average national attainment, though we can raise these if we feel that it is appropriate for that student. We would never lower these, as to do so would indicate that we have lower than average expectations for our students, which of course is not the case.
When should we expect the next reports?Students will sit English and Maths mock exams just before the Easter break and we expect to report on this just after the Easter break, in the last week of April. They will also sit a full suite of mock exams at the end of June, which will be followed by a full report of those results in the last week of the Summer term.
Yours sincerely,
Sandra Carroll
Executive Senior Lead