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  • Weekly Bulletin -26 January 2024

    Weekly Bulletin - 26 January 2024

26 January 2024

Mental Health Workshops for Parents

Balancing Act: Supporting Child Mental Health Workshops for Parents  

Notley Family of Schools Workshop Series 

    • 6th March – Introducing the balancing act
    • 13th March – Balancing boundaries & encouragement
    • 20th March – Balancing emotions and reactions

All sessions are virtual and will run from 1 pm to 2:15 pm

Please attend all 3 sessions 


 Book your place via this link 

Kerry Williams MNCS Accred. Counsellor/Supervisor/Family Liaison Officer

Jacky Wragg MA, SEND, Essex Partnership SENCO/ Supervisor/ School Support

Parent Code of Conduct

Our trust Parent Code of Conduct requests and expects parents, carers and any visitors to treat all members of the community with respect with regards to both communications and behaviour. It is with regret that we have to report that some members of school staff have encountered abusive behaviour from parents.  All staff at the school should be free of fear of abuse from parents and are protected by this by various legal acts, such as the Public Order Act.  Please be reminded that abuse to staff can include posts on social media platforms as well as email correspondence and face to face communication.  We thank the majority of parents that continue to have positive interactions with our staff on a daily basis.

Safer Internet Day - 6 February

Safer Internet Day – 6 February 2024

The theme of this year’s Safer Internet Day is ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence, and navigating change online’. Several organisations have produced resources to assist education settings with online safety teaching focussed on this theme.

UK Safer Internet Centre: online safety resources including education packs, lesson plans, films, assemblies, and information for parents and carers


Please see attached flyers following Essex County Council's research into vaping by children and young people in Essex, and their 'You Said, We Did' responses.