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  • Charities


To make the world a better place for everyone, we all need to play our part in whatever way we can.  As a school, we encourage volunteering as part of our Notley Pledge Passport and our Notley Award.  We also encourage our young people to be kind to visitors and each other.  But, as a community, we can also make a huge difference to the lives of others by donating to charity.





October 2022

Great Ormond Street Hospital

‘Kilometres for Pounds’ race.  House competition.


November 2022


Shoebox Appeal

13 boxes

November 2022

Children in Need

Non-Uniform Day


November 2022

House Charity

‘Can you Stomach It?’ Staff House Competition.


March 2023

Turkey and Syrian earthquake relief

Ribbons for Syria and Turkey


Total raised as of March 2023: £2802

October 2022

GOSHWe ran a house competition to see which House could raise the most individual sponsors for a ‘Kilometres to Pounds’ challenge.  Turing were victorious, with a total of 44 different sponsors.  What this competition taught us, is the value of community.  In our community, we support charities how we can.  It is not about what we can afford, but how we can promote the act of giving.  In total, our students raised £1750 for Great Ormond Street Hospital.

November 2022

Shoes BoxesWithin our form groups, we collected gifts, toys and supplies to fill shoe boxes as part of the ‘Shoe Box Appeal’ by the Teams4U charity.  This charitable organisation sends wrapped shoe boxes to children in need across Eastern Europe.  It is a wonderful charity, that brighten the lives of the most deprived children.  Christmas after all, is about charity and giving.  We learnt about the act of community, and how we need to support and care for each other, that we are one World and community extends further than just our closest town.

November 2022

For BBC Children in Need, we held a non-uniform event.  Students were invited to come in their casual attire but were encouraged to wear spots.  The theme for this year, was after all, Spotacular! Non-uniform is always a fun way to raise money for charity.  Children in Need is a charity close to every school’s heart.  This charity, like Notley High School and Braintree Sixth Form, believe that every child should have the chance to thrive and be the best that they can be.  An update will come on how much money we raised.

November 2022

‘Can you Stomach It?’, Notley High School and Braintree Sixth Forms own nod to I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!  Like the students, all our staff are part of the school House system, and doing so, they compete to raise points for their House. 

Round one was a modest Spam smoothie with a crunchy cricket top. Round two, saw an entree of tinned snails, followed swiftly on with raw octopus and fermented cabbage. Other rounds included lumpfish eggs, pickled raw herring, locusts and meal worms.

For dessert, a crunchy cricket Angel slice, followed by snail slime wine. Students were left roaring with laughter, and staff were left retching with despair. Three Houses stood victorious! Winton, Parks and Turing. Congratulations to Mr Buttle, Miss Clifton-Ward and Mrs Cheung. The trio quite frankly didn't stop eating, and as lunch had drawn to a close so too did the House competition.

A huge thank you to everyone who came to support and especially to those that took part. All money raised will be split between the three House charities.

More Information:

March 2023

The Charity Prefects have arranged to make ribbons and are selling these to members of the school community for £1 each.  The ribbons are made of four different colours (black, white, red, green) which reflect the colours of the Syrian and Turkish flags.  All money raised will be sent to support those who have been impacted by the three devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey.

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