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  • Marty Patten - Jack Petchey Award Winner January 2018

    Marty Patten - Jack Petchey Award Winner January 2018

Article Date: 22 March 2018

Article Date: 22 March 2018

Marty was nominated for the Jack Petchey award by his peers, for being a hard-working, intelligent, optimistic and cheerful person, who is always up for a laugh and always gets involved despite his visual impairment (Marty is registered blind).

One friend said ‘I have known Marty for 4 years and honestly, I have never once heard him complain or get upset about his disability, he is always positive and gets on with his everyday life without fuss. He never lets his disability get in his way in his school work, hobbies, sports and fun. He often jokes about his sight which proves he doesn’t view it as a barrier but just an obstacle he can get around. He is very independent and doesn’t want an assistant to help him complete tasks as he would rather do it himself. 

On behalf of me and all of his friends who have contributed to this, we think Marty’s positive attitude to life deserves reward’.

Well done Marty, we are all so proud of you.

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