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  • Weekly Bulletin -9 February 2024

    Weekly Bulletin - 9 February 2024

9 February 2024

Mobile Phone Policy

Next week sees the launch of the changes to our mobile phone policy. This means that students will be expected to hand in their mobile phones during tutor time and collect them at the end of the school day. In order for all parents and carers to be aware of how this will work, an outline is below:

In morning registration: 

  1. Students power down their phones and place them in their allocated slots. 

  2. Slots are numbered and students are allocated a number related to their position on the register. 

  3. Tutors tick the register that the phone has been handed in and this stays with the phones. 

Assembly day 

Students go straight to their tutor room to get registered and to hand their phones in. As soon as they have done this, the tutor escorts the form group to the theatre for assembly. 

Students leaving during the school day; 

  • Known appointments – tutors will allow students to keep phone if the appointment is visible on Arbor. 

  • Students going on fixtures; the tutor checks the distributed fixture list and ensures those leaving early for a fixture keep their phones.

  • Students leaving unplanned during the school day will have their phone collected by Student Services or On Call when they leave. 

  • Students attending intervention sessions must go to their tutor first and hand in their phone. 

It is important to note that if students are allowed to keep their phones for any of the reasons above, they adhere to the mobile phone policy, in that the phone is kept powered down and in their bags.

Students that are late into school and cannot enter through the late doors; 

  • Students hand in their phones to Student Services who will label and lock in the safe and the student will collect from here at 15:15 (or when it is planned for them to leave).  

End of the day: 

  1. At the end of period 5 (15:10), all students return to the tutor rooms.  

  2. Tutors give back the phones in numerical order – students do not take the phones from the case.   

  3. Tutors dismiss at 15:15. 

Links to the relevant policies can be found here:

It is important to note that no student, unless it has been previously agreed, should keep their phone on their persons. It must be handed in during morning registration.

Please support your child in knowing their daily timetable each morning. Students will be issued with a timetable but it will help them be reminded of their lessons for that day if parents and carers can check with them. We thank you for your support in this.

Year 9 Options Evening

As you will know, the process for Year 9 students to select a number of subjects to study during Years 10 and 11 is approaching. We look forward to welcoming you and your children to the Options Evening on Thursday 14 March from 5-7pm where you will hear presentations and will also have the opportunity to speak to subject staff and students at the subject fair.

More detail about the arrangements for the evening as well as the suggested pathway of choices for your child will be sent home shortly after the half term break. On the evening, you will also receive a booklet outlining the process of selecting subjects in more detail, as well as giving an overview of courses which students may take from Year 10