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  • Weekly Bulletin -8 March 2024

    Weekly Bulletin - 8 March 2024

8 March 2024


At Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form, we strongly believe that good attendance and punctuality are essential for our students’ education, helping to develop a positive working ethos in early life. Good attendance and punctuality are therefore essential for all students if they are to succeed academically and socially.

We attach great importance to our work on improving attendance across the school in line with Department for Education expectations. To this end, attendance is monitored very closely by our attendance team. The link between attendance and attainment in school is clear. The more studentsare in school the more they increase their opportunity to fulfil their potential.

If a student has 90% attendance in an academic year, that actually means that they are away from school for half a day every week. If a student has 90% attendance all through their time at secondary school and post-16, they will actually miss half a year of schooling. Please see our attendance page on the school website for further information and please do have a look at our attendance leaflet at the foot of the page for further information: Attendance Matters - Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form


Equipment – being ready to learn

It has become part of the tutor’s daily check during morning registration where possible to ensure that all students are ready to learn by having the correct equipment.  We appreciate the support parents and carers are providing at home in monitoring whether the children have the equipment they need.  We also realise that it can be difficult to provide any missing equipment if you become aware that your child has misplaced theirs at short notice.  Therefore, we have purchased stationary which will be available to order using ParentPay, and then delivered to the students during the morning when needed.   Please note that you are only able to upload £1 or more onto ParentPay.  Once the £1 is in the account, parents/carers can add the payment item to the basket and use the option 'pay by account credit' and this will then deduct the money from there. Anything you order up until midnight the previous day will be provided to the student during the next day; after that time, the orders will be delivered the following morning.  Please see below the prices for individual items and also packs that can be purchased containing all the relevant items needed;



 HB Pencil  7p
 Black pen  6p
 Pencil Case  40p
 Ruler  38p
 Highlighters  99p pack of 4
 Eraser  20p
 Pencil Sharpener  5p
 Maths Kit  £3.16 includes rubber/sharpener
 Scientific Calculator £5.97 each
 Drawing String Bag  95p
 Purple Pen  17p
Total Pack containing all items £12.40

We hope that this will help support the students to be ready to learn and take the pressure off parents and carers to provide the equipment at short notice.  Equipment can be ordered from Monday 11th March