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  • Weekly Bulletin -2 February 2024

    Weekly Bulletin - 2 February 2024

2 February 2024

Pharmacy Services

Please see attached flyer for consultations available for common conditions.

SEND Information - Autism

Autism also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC)

What is autism

For parents who have ever thought about this in relation to a child, the above link will guide you through the condition.

More than one in 100 people have Autism and not all the signs are obvious. 

Social Interaction challenges are often a key sign and are usually picked up in primary school.  However, extreme anxiety or over sensitivity to light, sound, taste or touch maybe signs that become stronger as they get older in secondary school.

Classically ASC students will become obsessed easily and often have a highly focused interest or hobby.

If you believe it maybe helpful to get your son or daughter assessed formally, this is usually done through your GP and you will be referred to PROVIDE.  They will link school to ask for more detailed information and we can always help with this.

If you require further information or would just like to talk through any concerns you may have, then please contact Mr Haddon on