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  • Year 9 Rewards Trip

    Year 9 Rewards Trip

Article Date: 07 October 2014

Article Date: 07 October 2014
On Friday 3rd October a group of Year 9’s were taken to Rope Runners High Ropes Course as a rewards trip.
There honestly wasn’t a dull moment on that afternoon out, even the coach ride there and back was amusing!

Once we were there we got our harnesses and helmets on and got taken to a ‘warm up’ climbing course to be briefed on what we were to expect as well as learning how to swap our harness clips over while climbing. After we had done the warm up course we were free to do all the activities available in the time we had there, which included: a zip-wire, medium and high level courses and the vertical zip line!
Once I got up onto the medium level climbing course, I remember clinging onto the ropes for dear life while my legs shook like jelly! While I stood there, frozen, I kept seeing Emily advancing further through the course as she yelled at me to move my foot forwards! Once I eventually defeated my fear and managed to move to the platform I was shaking so much I almost fell just at having to hold my own weight up! When I finally got to the end zip line it was another pain-staking event, for Emily that is, as I sat there for about five minutes while she persuaded me jump. Other than literally laying in the dirt after finally jumping off I was thrilled that I had managed to do the course without backing out.
I volunteered to go first through the warm up course as I couldn’t wait to get onto some of the higher courses. When me and Alex had both completed the warm up course we excitedly made our way to the beginning of the medium course. I went first and slowly shuffled along the platform to face the first obstacle. The rope shook beneath my feet and at first I was dreading moving onwards, but once I had got my bearings, I overcame my doubts and eagerly made my way forwards. Whilst waiting for the person in front of me to finish the next obstacle, I turned around to find Alex frozen with fear and unable to move even an inch forward. Concerned, I yelled encouragingly at her and told her ‘politely’ to move! I got to the end of the course and sat on the platform preparing to hurl myself off the edge and fly through the air on the zip wire! When I hit the ground after racing my friend next to me down the zip wire, I breathed a sigh of relief and contentment.
We would both like to thank the teachers who organised and gave up their time to take us on this amazing trip. We both love climbing and for us it was the perfect way to spend our Friday afternoon.
By Alex Thorne and Emily Hynes.

On Friday the 3rd of October some lucky Year 9 students had the chance to go to one of Essex's most enjoyable and fun filled rope themed adventure 'Rope Runners' this involves people strapped via a harness climbing through the trees at great heights, trying to overcome the height, and completing the little based all the way around the facility. Courses which you have to go past to get to the zip wire at the end of each go. There is also two more separate activities at Rope Runners, one which is a long zip wire stretching all the way across the ropes. When you are gliding down the zip wire you can see your friends struggling to make there way through the course without falling ! And additionally a straight drop dropping you 30-40 foot to the ground !

Overall Rope Runners was a great experience and a fun filled afternoon ! 
By Luke Pettitt

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