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  • Venue for Year 11 Prom 2015

    Venue for Year 11 Prom 2015

Article Date: 06 October 2014

Article Date: 06 October 2014

Calling all Year 11s.

Apparently some of you have been asking where the Prom will be held next year. Well, after a scouting mission by Mr Newman and Mr Rowe the venue is confirmed as (drum roll please...)

Boreham House!

This is a really stunning venue complete with a reflection lake (according to Mr Newman), fantastic reception rooms for photography and a purpose built pavillion in the grounds for the Prom itself. 

Details are still being finalised but the venue has been booked for 2 July 2015. Save the date!

To see what the venue looks like, check out the galleries on the Boreham House website at and Mr Rowe's gallery from the scouting mission below (or at 

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