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  • Little Havens Children’s Hospice

    Little Havens Children’s Hospice

Article Date: 10 September 2007

Article Date: 10 September 2007

On Thursday 6 September it was our huge pleasure to present a cheque to representatives of the Hospice with a cheque for the fantastic sum of £2,690.36

This took place during the Year 9 assembly when Vicci Beckinsale and Kirstin Terris from Little Havens joined us. The tutor group which collected the most money for this charity was current 9H and the two students in the tutor group who raised the most funds were Danielle Cook and Craig Rodgers. These two students were very pleased to reveal the amount to Vicci and Kirsty when the presentation cheque was unfurled. To say Vicci and Kirstin were absolutely delighted is an understatement! Vicci then told students and staff that this amount would enable a life-limited child and their family to spend a much needed 5-day respite at the Hospice, where the child would benefit from expert care and the family would be able to relax and have real quality time with their child. The facilities at the Hospice are wonderful with experienced, specialist medical staff, comfortable surroundings, a beautiful garden and specialised games and activities for the children.

Most of the money the school raised came from the Gimme5! Campaign which brought in £1,283.34, followed by the Ladies’ Driving Challenge which accounted for £939.38. The sale of Harry Haven Teddy Bears came to £308.30 with the balance made up from fundraising through a Year 8 collection (last year) and the Year 8 Global Development Day. Needless to say Vicci and Kirstin said that the staff at the Hospice, the children and their families would be extremely grateful to everyone involved in raising money for them and thanked everyone very much. Year 9 students gave a round of applause to the two happy visitors as they left.

In March next year, the Hospice has an Open Day for schools to visit which enables students to see first-hand the amazing work which goes on there. It is hoped that 12 students will be able to attend and we will publish more news about this in 2008. Lastly, I would like to say a personal thank you to all the students, staff, parents, governors and individuals who campaigned with such enthusiasm and who have made such a difference to a family and child who have little time left together. Notley High School’s community can be rightly proud of itself in the knowledge that at least five of those days will be spent in the best possible place they can be, to enjoy that precious time.

Mrs J Smith – Senior Teacher

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