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  • Exam Results 2007

    Exam Results 2007

Article Date: 03 September 2007

Article Date: 03 September 2007

We return from the summer break delighted with the GCSE results achieved by the outgoing Year 11’s. 64% of students gained five or more grade C’s or above, whilst 54% achieved reached 5 or more including English and maths. 

This second figure showed a 5% increase on last year’s results and underlines the emphasis Notley places on literacy and numeracy. The most impressive figure concerned the percentage of pupils who achieved A or A* grades, which at 16% was an all time Notley record.

There were many success stories in all ability ranges, and it was a delight to witness the looks of relief, shock and delight on the faces of so many pupils. Two who did particularly well were Alec O’Keeffe, and Vicki Chown. Alec achieved seven A*’s and five A grades, whilst Vicki was awarded five A*’s and seven A’s. To cap her success Vicki was sent a letter from the English Literature examining board congratulating her on earning one of the top five grades in the country – a particularly impressive feat when over 364,800 students sat the exam.

Our congratulations go to all the pupils for their well deserved success, and thanks to the parents for their support over what can be a very stressful time. These results would not be possible without the dedicated hard work from the staff and governors of the school, who combine their talents to create a supportive, professional, hardworking and safe environment in which the students can learn and achieve.

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