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  • Notley Goes F1 Racing

    Notley Goes F1 Racing

Article Date: 20 July 2007

Article Date: 20 July 2007

On June 19th, fifteen year 9 students had the unique opportunity to visit Silverstone race circuit to watch the big Formula 1 testing session as part of their English studies.


All of F1’s big names were present; Lewis Hamilton, David Coultard and Ralf Schumacher to name but a few. Miraculously, after his horrific crash at the Montreal Grand Prix, Kubica was also testing. The focus of the day was for the students to use the events they witnessed to produce a sports report, and to use this high-profile event to improve their writing skills – and they certainly had many eye-opening things to write about!

Barrie Williams, of the British Racing Drivers’ Club [BRDC] kindly acted as our host and tour guide, allowing the students to access areas of the circuit, usually out-of-bounds to the general public. The BRDC arranged a full day of activities, which ranged from talks about the weekend’s race at Le Mans, to witnessing the amazing feats of speed on the circuit. Highlights definitely included seeing rookie driver Hamilton, at speeds of 190mph and being just metres from the race-cars themselves on a pit lane walk-about.

The day was immensely enjoyable. Photos will feature in the Notley photo gallery (click here)  and the students’ work will also feature on the Notley site. Many thanks go to Jan Stephenson, Stuart Pringle, Darren Turner and Barrie Williams of the BRDC for their effort in organising such a memorable day.                                                                                     

Miss K Ward  [KS3 co-ordinator – English]

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