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Notley High School welcomes Spanish schools
Notley High School welcomes Spanish schools

Article Date: 11 September 2007

Article Date: 11 September 2007

Notley High School was very pleased to welcome two High Schools from Spain on Monday 10th September. 25 pupils and 3 staff from I.E.S Jose Hierro and I.E.S Foramontanos in northern Spain came to the school in order to give their pupils an insight in to life at a British school (and to dispel all those Harry Potter myths of life at school!). 

They were visiting London for a week and came all the way across to Braintree to visit Notley High because of its strong International Links and its accreditation of the British Councils International Schools Award.The Spanish pupils were paired up with a Notley pupil for the day (chosen from the GCSE Spanish classes) to get a taste of lessons. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed their day at Notley and felt it a very worthwhile experience. The Spanish teachers had high praise for Notley commenting on the ''calm working atmosphere'' and the ''very high level of technology taking place''. They are hoping to incorporate visits in to their future annual visits to our country.

The visit was organised by Mr R.Tucker, Notley's International Links Co-ordinator and assisted by the the school's Modern Languages Department. Mr R.Tucker would like to thank particularly alll those Year 10 & 11 GCSE Spanish pupils who looked after our visitors and also to Miss Vella, Head of Modern Languages and her department staff

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