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  • E-Safety


Article Date: 22 October 2015

Article Date: 22 October 2015
We are very aware of both the benefits of online technology, as well as the disadvantages and dangers. More than 90% of children now live in a house with internet access, and over 40% of 12-15 year olds possess a smartphone, so the need to ensure that our students are safe and protected in the digital world is greater than ever.

This week and after half term, we are talking to students in assembly about how they manage their own reputations online and reminding them of the rules about using phones in school and how these rules help to protect them. 

With technology changing rapidly, many parents and carers find that their own online experience lags behind that of their children, and feel inexperienced in helping their child to use technology responsibly.

If you are interested in finding out more about this, we recommend this online magazine:  

Melanie Townsend 
Assistant Headteacher 

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