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  • Ski Trip 2020

    Ski Trip 2020

Article Date: 25 February 2020

Article Date: 25 February 2020

After a fantastic week’s skiing in Austria over half term, our intrepid crew of now expert skiers returned to the UK on Friday 21 February.

18 students, 3 staff, 1 volunteer and 3 instructors had an amazing time sliding around the mountains of Austria in (mostly) glorious weather conditions. You can check out the daily photos, videos and updates from the trip on our Ski Notley facebook page, See if you can spot the synchronised skiing routine by the beginners’ group, the footage of Geek and Mrs Geek on the Lucky Flitzer Alpine Coaster (there might have been screaming!) and one of our instructors being abducted by a massive green alien. Believe me it really was just as much fun as it looks – ask any of the students.

I’m working though the 2000+ photos from the trip now. Once I’ve got them organised and edited they will be available to download from our website and OneDrive (link to be published later)

A massive thank you from me to Mrs Roper, Mr Morris, Tracey (Mrs Geek), our instructors Dave, Will and Lily, all the students, drivers, hotel staff...everyone. You were all, without exception, awesome.

Watch the websites and screens around the school for next year’s trip adverts once I get the details from our ski company.

Mr Rowe (Geek)
Media Support Manager and Ski Trip Leader

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