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  • Year 9 KS4 Courses Evening 2020

    Year 9 KS4 Courses Evening 2020

Article Date: 07 February 2020

Article Date: 07 February 2020

A hugely successful KS4 Courses Evening was held for Year 9 students and their parents/carers on Wednesday 5 February 2020 to support them with their forthcoming option choices for September 2020.

With an attendance of 88% of the year group, it was a busy evening creating a great atmosphere around the sixth form. Presentations were delivered by our Head Boy and Head Girl and three student ambassadors from the sixth form which were very informative, and staff were available to promote their subject areas and to answer any queries.

One of our Year 9 students said ‘when I spoke to the teachers, they were very clear, helpful and honest about the options process and told me that although some subjects can be difficult, that we can achieve if we put the effort in to our studies’.

All students will have received a personalised copy of the Guide to KS4 Courses 2020 booklet which they are encouraged to read through with their parents/carers to help them make their choices by the deadline of Thursday 13 February 2020.

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