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  • Year 7 PE Kit Update

    Year 7 PE Kit Update

Article Date: 04 September 2020

Article Date: 04 September 2020
Apologies for yesterday’s confusion with regards to PE kit and blazers.Year 7 students can wear the PE Training Top on the days they have PE rather than wearing their blazers. If they do not have a PE Training Top then they should wear their blazer as classrooms may be cold due to keeping the windows open for ventilation.

Regarding footwear, we do not want students to ruin new trainers or bring mud inside the building if they have PE outside when it is muddy, and so we advise that students bring an old pair of trainers with them for these occasions or they can change into their school shoes after PE if their shoes are muddy.

We have warmly welcomed year 7 this morning, they are settled with their tutors and we look forward to getting to know them over the next few days.

Thank you for your support so far.

Best wishes,

Miss Murdoch and Mrs Godfree

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