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  • Information For Year 7

    Information For Year 7

Article Date: 02 September 2020

Article Date: 02 September 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope that you are keeping well and your children are looking forward to starting with us on Thursday.We have finalised the timetable for Thursday and Friday and students will be required to bring in a pair of trainers to use for one of the house activities outside. Students will not need their PE kits and will not need to arrive wearing their PE kit until their first PE lesson, starting from Tuesday 8th September.

Students will also be having their Year 7 photos taken over the course of this Thursday and Friday and these will be available to buy later in the term.

We look forward to welcoming our new year 7 students on Thursday at 08.30 on the tennis courts.

Best wishes,

Mrs J Godfree and Miss K Murdoch

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