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  • The Bruise You Can't See - Year 10 Play

    The Bruise You Can't See - Year 10 Play

Article Date: 02 March 2022

Article Date: 02 March 2022
The Bruise You Can’t See is a play for young people, which highlights the early warning signs of coercive behaviour. Through active audience participation, students took charge of the characters to explore what to do if they or someone they know find themselves in an abusive or controlling relationship.

The play told the story of Suzie...

‘ Suzie’s dating the guy everyone wants to date. He’s funny, charming and the fittest boy in the year. He’s always there for her and she increasingly spends all her time with him. But sometimes it feels a bit much and she seems to be getting things wrong more and more. And her friends seemed to have disappeared and no one seems to understand it’s not going as well as it looks.

The play aimed to equip students with the skills to not only recognise unhealthy and controlling behaviour but also how to deal with it and not enter further into relationships that aren’t’ healthy.

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