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Ski Trip 2020: Still places available

Ski Trip 2020: Still places available


Article Date: 05 September 2019

Article Date: 05 September 2019

September Update: There are still places available on the ski trip to Austria in February 2020. See Mr Rowe or Mrs Segura for details. 


To reiterate, the total cost for this will be £1015 per student as previously agreed. Mrs Drew in finance has worked out a new payment schedule as follows:

Already Received - £100 deposit
By 9/8/19 - £230 (obviously this is in the school holidays but it can be either paid by ParentPay or by cheque once the new term starts – whichever is easiest)
By 10/9/19 - £230
By 10/10/19 - £230
By 7/11/19 - £225
Total - £1,015

She is banking the deposits that we have received and adding the £100 deposit item to ParentPay for the remaining students. She will then issue payment cards for all students showing the revised payment schedule, and add it to ParentPay to enable parents to make their future payments.

Should you have any issues with this please either email me on [email protected] or call me directly on 01376 556369. Please note that, after Friday 19 July any response may take a little while due to staff holidays and similar, but I’ll try to answer any questions as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for your continued patience and understanding in this; honestly, it’s very much appreciated.

Also, please note that there are still some places left on the trip. The trip is open to all years (including next year's Year 7) and ski experience is not necessary. If you are interested, please contact me for more information.

Time to start the ski exercises then....


Mr Rowe (Geek) 
Trip Leader

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