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  • Science Live

    Science Live

Article Date: 03 December 2014

Article Date: 03 December 2014
On Friday, we took a group of 20 Year 11 students to the Dominion Theatre, London for the annual Science Live presentation.After a very smooth train journey to London, we were delighted to hear from Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock who recently presented the live programme of the Philae comet landing talking about her passion for Space exploration. Her talk was quickly followed by Professor Steve Jones talking about how our genes make us who we are. After a short break and time to stretch our legs, Professor Robert Winston shared his passion for reproductive biology and Dr. Simon Singh explained how and why there is so much maths in the Simpsons, and what some of the formulae mean. The afternoon was rounded off with Professor Andrea Sella sharing his love of chemistry and how it causes patterns in nature. The students also listened to a short section from an experienced examiner explaining what to do to perform better in exams.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable day, where we all learnt a lot and were wowed by some of the latest research in science. The students were very well behaved and a credit to the school.

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