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  • Road Safety Play

    Road Safety Play

Article Date: 06 November 2018

Article Date: 06 November 2018
On Thursday 1 November, the whole of Year 9 had a road safety play delivered by Ginificent. This is part of Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) road safety programme. Based upon a real-life tragedy, ‘Perfect’ used naturalistic acting, narration, physical theatre and popular music to highlight key messages.The play tells Anne’s tale. Anne (13) is a perfectly normal, pretty young girl, who after being thrown through a windscreen in a car accident, had over three hundred stitches to her face and head because she wasn't wearing her seatbelt. Anne suffered months of painful operations and had to live with the constant reminder of how important a seatbelt really is.

After the play, the actors broke character and conducted an interactive workshop to analyse the story and their characters and to go over some of the sad and hard-hitting facts about the tragedies that occur on the roads in the UK particularly with the students’ age group.

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