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  • Respect Project – Year 9

    Respect Project – Year 9

Article Date: 09 November 2015

Article Date: 09 November 2015
As a school, we were fortunate enough to have been invited to participate in this year’s Respect Project which is run by the Essex Boys and Girls Club in Chelmsford.

I was asked to choose fifteen students to participate in the project, and based my choices on a variety of criteria including the qualities that I witnessed first-hand during our residential trip to Mersea last year.

The project initially took place during two activities days (which I have likened to the X-Factor boot camp) - if they did well on the first day, they got through to the second day.  After the second activity day, two students were selected to progress further on the course and are currently attending an eight week life skills course on a Monday evening; these sessions cover self-respect, personal challenges, relationship management, teamwork, leadership, communication skills and decision making.

The outcome of this eight week part of the programme could result in either or both of our students being invited to attend a seven day residential trip to the Lake District later this term.  I would like to wish both Maggie Dymoke-Bradshaw and Jacob Riley the best of luck with this and I would like to congratulate all fifteen students on their achievements along the way. 

Mrs V Forster
Year Leader – Year 9

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