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  • Prefects' Leadership Training Day 2017

    Prefects' Leadership Training Day 2017

Article Date: 20 July 2017

Article Date: 20 July 2017

The newly selected group of prefects for 2017-18 had their training event on 19 July, with a focus on the necessary skills to carry out their roles effectively.

Over 60 Year 10 students were involved, with a session being led by Miss Murdoch on Discipline with Dignity, followed further sessions on anti-bullying and safeguarding. We were joined by six Year 12 students from Braintree Sixth Form as well as the Heads of House, who led activities on leadership and teamwork - including the well-known marshmallow challenge! Group A were the victors in this particular event, with their 48 cm tower made of string, spaghetti, tape and the obligatory marshmallow on top. Many students pushed themselves to go well beyond their comfort zones during some of the activities and it was pleasing to see the noise levels and commitment increase during the day as teams established themselves effectively.

We wish all the prefects every success in the months ahead in their new roles within the school community.

Please click here to see a gallery of photos from the day.

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