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  • End of Summer Term 2017

    End of Summer Term 2017

Article Date: 21 July 2017

Article Date: 21 July 2017
We finished the term today with an assembly celebrating the achievement of students during the year. More than 200 awards were made during the assembly, an incredible amount which reflects the success of so many students in a wide range of aspects of school life, from the sporting field to high attendance, drama, public speaking and achievement points.

Awards were presented to groups of students as well as individuals and it was a great pleasure to reflect on a term which has been so successful on a great number of fronts. Of course, not receiving an award on this occasion does not mean that a student has not tried hard, and we would encourage every student to reflect on the successes of this year and think about what they hope to achieve in the next. Head Girl and Boy Katy Finch and Ben Truman gave an excellent summary of the term, following Key Stage 4 Sports Captains Eduardo Vazquez and Josie-May Reynolds who reflected on the considerable sporting achievements this year. A particular highlight were the musical numbers, which involved Josh Phillips, Josh Christie, Eleanor Hatwell, Emily Stirrup, Harry Ledgerton and Louis Smyth. We were treated to highly polished and captivating performances.

You may be interested to read the Head Boy and Girl's speech, which can be found on the link below.

We wish all students and staff an enjoyable and restful break and look forward to seeing everyone in September. A reminder that Year 12, 11 and 7 start the term on Tuesday 5 September, and will be joined by Years 13, 10, 9 and 8 on 6 September. 


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