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Memories from World War 2
Memories from World War 2

Article Date: 18 January 2012

Article Date: 18 January 2012

If you are family, friends or neighbours of Year 9 history students at Notley High School & Braintree Sixth Form they may soon be seeking your help. 

The year group have been asked to research stories about the experiences of their family, or local people they know, during World War Two. These personal or local experiences will then be used in the classroom as an interesting way to begin to study the national or international events which they reflect. Memories of rationing for example could lead into an investigation of the Battle of the Atlantic. Stories of families from other countries would help focus on the wider nature of the conflict and perhaps give some very interesting perspectives to work from. Clearly the stories do not have to be dramatic, though it would obviously be interesting to hear those. Copies of photographs would also be of interest or copies of other relevant documents.

Stories can be of any length and in any format and would also be welcomed from members of the wider community who have something to tell.  First-hand accounts would be of particular interest, but they could also be information passed down the generations. Contributions can be sent to Mrs Hill, History Subject Leader, at the school’s Notley Road address or emailed to [email protected] 

Staff and Governors are also going to be canvassed for help and it is hoped that a valuable learning resource can be developed. In addition it may be that some personal history is preserved and passed on which might otherwise be lost or known only to a few.

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