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  • Important information for parents

    Important information for parents

Article Date: 15 December 2011

Article Date: 15 December 2011

As we reach the end of the first term, I would like to thank you for your continued support in ensuring that we maintain our high standards of behaviour and reinforce high expectations.


The school holidays tend to be a time when new items of uniform and equipment are purchased and I would also like to take this opportunity to clarify our expectations at Notley High School and Braintree Sixth Form. You will find our uniform guidelines attached to this letter. These expectations are also communicated on the school’s website and in the Parent and Carer Handbook. Please take the time to read the attached guidelines, especially if you are planning to purchase any new items of uniform for your son/daughter. I would ask you to note in particular the guidance about hair colour, trousers, skirts and shoes. I would reinforce that hoodies are not to be worn in school and do not constitute a coat.

The school reserves the right to make the final decision regarding whether an item of uniform meets the school’s guidelines. If you are at all unsure, we would encourage you to contact us for clarification. Please also be sure to check the guidelines before allowing your son/daughter to have body piercings.

I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you of a change to the uniform cards. From January 2012, the card will be a P.U.R.E. card and will be used to record lateness to lessons (P for Punctuality), uniform infringements (U, as before) and failure to bring the required equipment to a lesson (R.E. for Required Equipment). Six infringements in any one term will result in a P.U.R.E. detention, which are after school on Fridays. Please encourage your child to have no signatures on their card at all as we reward students with clean cards on a half-termly basis.

Thank you again for your support in these matters. The wearing of full school uniform and the responsibility of coming to school fully equipped are both integral parts of the school ethos which promotes positive attitudes, high standards and a sense of personal pride.

On behalf of Notley High School and Braintree Sixth Form, I would like to wish you all a happy Christmas and remind you that term starts on 3 January 2012.

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