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  • Little Havens Children's Hospice Visit

    Little Havens Children's Hospice Visit

Article Date: 29 March 2012

Article Date: 29 March 2012

On Thursday 22 March 2012 twelve students visited Little Havens Children's Hospice in Thundersley, Essex. 

The purpose of the visit was to find out more about the hospice's work in preparation for our charity day in July.  Two students from every year group were chosen by their Year Leaders to attend the trip and they will feedback to the rest of their year group about their experience.

The staff at the hospice were very friendly and commented on our student's excellent behaviour and thoughtful questions.

More information to follow in the next newsletter.

Many thanks to the students who attend the trip and to Mrs Edge, Assistant Year 7 Leader, for accompanying the students.

Miss Bonny

Charities Co-ordinator

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